Recreational Mathematics – Puzzle: A Coin Rolls Without Slipping Around Another Coin


If a coin rolls without slipping around another coin of the same or
different size, how many times will it rotate while making one

The proof given is like this:

Cut the curve open at some point and uncoil it into a straight line
segment. Rolling the circle along this segment it will rotate (length
curve)/(length circle) times.

Keeping the circle attached to one end of the segment, we then recoil
the segment back into thecurve, which contributes the final rotation.

I can understand the first part of the proof, but I couldn't understand the second part, any ideas? Also, I am also interested in different approaches for proving this one.

Problem/Solution source.

Best Answer

I suggest that you first regard the case with "total slipping".

Let a coin slide around another coin while having always the same point attached to the central coin. Note that the outer coin makes exactly one rotation in this scenario.

Now, roll out the inner circle and let the outer coin slide along. Clearly, it does not rotate at all.

So, there is one rotation of the outer coin that comes just from going around the inner coin. The rest of the rotation can then be found by looking at the rotation along the line and combining the two.