[Math] Puzzle – 123456789 = 100 with three operations


Given the sequence 123456789:

You can insert three operations ($+$,$-$,$\times$,$/$) into this sequence to make the equation = 100.

My question is: is there a way to solve this without brute force?

(I tried to represent it as a graph but I'm unsure where to go from there.)

Best Answer

The strategy I would use is the following:

Goal is to get $100$ as sum. Among the digits $123456789$, pick and choose the sum close to $100$, such as $89$. Therefore I would attempt to get a value of $11$ from $1234567$ using different combinations.

When you start working on a smaller sum now (sort of like divide and conquer), you may get the desired result. (Of course there is no specific algorithm).

In order to get $11$, I have

$$(1\times 23)-4+5-6-7 = 11$$

$$(1-2+3-4+5)\times 6 -7= 11$$

$$123-45-67 = 11$$


$$(1\times 23)-4+5-6-7+89 = 100$$

$$(1-2+3-4+5)\times 6 - 7+89=100$$


${\bf{Adding}}$ ${\bf{more}}$ to it: If we look at $78+9 = 87$ and instead of $89$, we seek the remaining $13$ to be derived from $123456$, and one way to get that is




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