Algebraic Geometry – Pullback and Dual for Locally Free Sheaf


Let $ f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of ringed spaces. Let $ \mathscr{E} $ be an $\mathcal{O}_Y$ module that is locally free of finite rank. I want to show that $ (f^{*}\mathscr{E})^\vee\cong f^*(\mathscr{E}^\vee)$ where $\vee$ denotes the dual.

I can easily see how stalks are isomorphic since direct limit and tensor product commute with direct sum. What I'm unable to do is construct a morphism from one of these modules to the other. Once I have it, I think I can show that it induces isomorphisms on stalks. Could you please help me?

This is a step in proving the projection formula, so I cannot use this formula here.

Best Answer

For these kinds of questions, if you can see how to establish an isomorphism stalkwise, the key thing you need to do to promote this to a complete proof is to construct a morphism between the sheaves that you are trying to prove are isomorphic.

Once you have a morphism, in order to check that it is an isomorphism, you can work on stalks; and then hopefully the induced morphism equals to isomorphism you've already constructed. (If what you've done is sufficiently natural, then this should work out). In this particular case, there's likely an argument that avoids working with stalks altogether, but since you've already thought about them, it makes sense to incorporate them into your argument; and in any case, the strategy I'm suggesting is a very common one.

So, you want a natural morphism $f^*(\mathscr E^{\vee}) \to (f^*\mathscr E)^{\vee}$ (intuiting the correct direction in which to construct the desired morphism is one of the subtleties of this proof strategy, but can normally done by a bit of trial-and-error).

That is, we need a pairing $$f^*(\mathscr E^{\vee}) \times f^*\mathscr E \to \mathscr O_X,$$ or equivalently a morphism $$f^*(\mathscr E^{\vee}) \otimes_{\mathcal O_X} f^*\mathscr E \to \mathscr O_X.$$ (Judicious unwinding of definitions, as in this case, where I've unwound the definition of $(f^*\mathscr E)^{\vee})$, is also a typical aspect of such an argument.)

But just using properties of pull-backs and tensor products, you can see that there is a canonical isomorphism $$f^*\mathscr E^{\vee}\otimes_{\mathscr O_X} f^*\mathscr E \cong f^*(\mathscr E^{\vee} \otimes_{\mathscr O_Y} \mathscr E).$$ So the desired morphism can be obtained by pulling back the canonical morphism $$\mathscr E^{\vee} \otimes_{\mathscr O_Y} \mathscr E \to \mathscr O_Y$$ via $f$.

Now that you have a morphism from $f^*(\mathscr E^{\vee})$ to $(f^*\mathscr E)^{\vee}$, you can pass to stalks to check it is an isomorphism. But on stalks, it will surely agree with the isomorphism you've already discovered (since this is the only natural isomorphism in this context).