[Math] Proving two lines in vector form intersect algebraically

linear algebravectors

let $x,y,a,b,c,d$ be vectors and $r,k \in \Bbb{R}$ with vector $d$ not being a scalar multiple of vector $b$ How would you prove that the line
$\vec{x}=\vec{a}+r\vec{b}$ intersects the line $\vec{y}=\vec{c}+k\vec{d}$ algebraically in $\Bbb{R^2}$?

Geometrically In $\Bbb{R^2}$ since $\vec{b}$ and $\vec{d}$ are not scalar multiples then they are not parallel and since they are in the x-y plane then obviously the two lines will not intersect, however i am having trouble expressing this algebraically

Best Answer

By hypothesis, the vectors $\vec b$ and $\vec d$ are linearly independent, so they form a basis for $\mathbb R^2$: every vector can be written as a linear combination of them. In particular, there are scalars $\lambda, \mu\in\mathbb R$ such that $\vec a-\vec c = \mu\vec d-\lambda\vec b$, which is equivalent to $\vec a+\lambda\vec b=\vec c+\mu\vec d$.

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