[Math] Proving the Ricci identity


I'm trying to prove the Ricci identity

Let $Z^a$ be a vector field, $R^a_{\,bcd}$ the Riemann curvature tensor and $\nabla$ a torsion-free connection. Then: $\nabla_c\nabla_dZ^a-\nabla_d\nabla_cZ^a=R^a_{\,bcd}Z^b$.

In particular, I want to start from the RHS. To do so, I've multiplied it by two arbitrary vector fields $X^c$ and $Y^d$, and used the definition of the Riemann tensor:


where in the last line I use the fact that the connection is torsion-free to move from covariant to partial derivative. Obviously, the next step is showing that the partial derivative of $Z$ with respect to $[X,Y]$ vanishes.

If they were basis vectors, I know that $[e_\mu,e_\nu]=0$, but what about the case of general vector fields?

EDIT: second attempt


Best Answer

This seems like mainly a question about what the abstract index notation is asking you to do. Let's look at a single term from the right hand: $\nabla_X\nabla_YZ$. Recall that in abstract index notation, two tensors juxtaposed signifies their tensor product. For example, if $V^a$ and $W^b$ are vector fields, $V^aW^b$ is supposed to mean the tensor field $V \otimes W$. Pairing of an upper and lower index signifies a trace: if $\varphi_a$ is a 1-form and $V^b$ is a vector field, $\varphi_aV^a =\operatorname{tr}(\varphi\otimes V) = \varphi(V)$. So the way we're supposed to think of this is first taking their tensor product and then tracing. Lastly, notice that $\nabla_VW = \operatorname{tr}(\nabla V \otimes W)$ when considered as a section of $T^* \otimes T \otimes T$, where we trace over the first and last slots.

Returning to the first term above, we then have:

\begin{align} \nabla_X\nabla_YZ & = X^c\nabla_cY^d\nabla_dZ^b \\ & = \nabla_X(\operatorname{tr}(Y \otimes \nabla_-Z)) \\ & = \operatorname{tr}(\nabla_XY \otimes \nabla_-Z + Y \otimes \nabla_X\nabla_-Z)) \\ & = Y^dX^c \nabla_c\nabla_dZ^b + (X^c\nabla_cY)^d\nabla_dZ^b \\ & = \nabla^2_{X,Y}Z + \nabla_{\nabla_XY}Z. \end{align}

And from here the rest shouldn't be bad.

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