Real Analysis – Proving the Inequality |a-b| ? |a-c| + |c-b| for Real a,b,c

absolute valueinequalityproof-writingreal-analysis

Let $a,b,c$ real numbers. Prove the inequality $|a-b| \leq |a-c| + |c-b|$. Prove that equality holds if and only if $a \leq c \leq b$ or $b \leq c \leq a$.

I've tried starting with just $a \leq c$ and using field properties to reconstruct the inequality, however I haven't been able to make it work. I also tried making the negatives positive and stripping the inequalities and making something happen but again I don't know if that's a proper rule and it didn't seem to get me anywhere.

Best Answer

You could use the triangle inequality and the fact that you can write $|a-b|=|(a-c)+(c-b)|$.

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