[Math] Proving the fundamental period of tangent

periodic functionsproof-writingtrigonometry

I'm very new to math and proofs — so I apologize if my math skills and vocabulary offends you.

I have a question that states:
Prove that $\pi$ is a fundamental period of the tangent function.

I need to know if the proof I wrote is adequate, here is my proof:

$a$ is a Real Number.
$0 < a < \pi$

$tan(s+a) = tan(s)$

The only case in which $tan(s) = 0$ is when:

$k$ is an Integer.
$tan(\pi * k) = 0 $

$tan(a) != 0$

Because $tan$ is the ratio of an angle $\theta$ of $sin/cos$
and because $sin$ and $cos$ are ratios of sides of a triangle in reference to the unit circle and since the unit circle has a radius of $1$ and a circumference of $2\pi$ radians, in order for periodicity to occur, the period of tan must be $(\pi * k)$, where the arc length can never be a multiple of $\pi/2$

Thanks so much for any help!

Best Answer

Solve $$\tan(t)=\tan(t+T).$$

You have

$$\tan(t+T)=\frac{\tan(t)+\tan(T)}{1-\tan(t)\tan(T)}=\tan(t),$$ and for $\tan(t)\tan(T)\ne1$,


This is possible only when $\tan(T)=0$, for which the smallest positive solution is
