[Math] Proving the context-free languages are closed under reverse


In the book I am reading it is stated that if $L$ is a context-free
language then so is $L^{R}$(where $L^{R}:=\{w^{R}:w\in L\}$, example:

This claim has been proven in the text using Chomsky normal form
and hence it $\epsilon\in L$ the proof is invalid.

Can I make a reduction from the general case (i.e. any context-free
language) to this case ?

My only thought is to add the rule $S\to\epsilon$ to the grammar
and prove the claim in a similar manner

Best Answer

Let $L$ be any context-free language. If $\epsilon\notin L$, you already know that $L^R$ is context-free. If $\epsilon\in L$, then $L\setminus\{\epsilon\}$ is context-free and so $L^R\setminus\{\epsilon\}=\left(L\setminus\{\epsilon\}\right)^R$ is context-free. Let $G$ be a grammar for $L^R\setminus\{\epsilon\}$ in Greibach normal form, and just add the production $S\to\epsilon$. Since $S$ does not appear on the righthand side of any production in $G$, this simply adds $\epsilon$ to the language, and you get $L^R$.

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