[Math] Proving the area of a square and the required axioms


I recently realized the area formula of all polygons, and most basic figures can be proven from the areas of square and rectangle. For example if we know the area of rectangle, we can the area formula of parallelogram, then triangle and so on. That brings us to the question how to prove that the area of the square with side $a$ is $a^2$.

I just came upon ProofWiki article (http://www.proofwiki.org/wiki/Area_of_Parallelogram/Rectangle), which showed me to get the area of rectangle from that of the square, which completes the rest of the link. But the square?

I see that for such a basic figure we need some axioms to get our foot down. One that I think is absolutely essential that that of a square of $1$ units has an area of $1$ unit square, from which we can generalize to bigger squares. Another I think which we used in the rectangle proof that, if a figure $A$ is divided into different pieces then the area of $A$ is the sum of the area of the different pieces.

So my first question: what set of axioms are needed that best and unambiguously describe the area of figures?

Anyway, the one informal proof we are show in primary schools, that divided for example a $5 \cdot5
$ square into $25$ pieces of $1$ cm$^2$ (intuitively very plausible) fails to convince me. Somehow, we may generalize it to rational numbers, but what if the side is $\pi$? We cannot keep dividing it infinitely many times.

So the second question: How do we using the axioms find the area of the square? And is there any gap, when we move forward, for example with the rectangle? Thanks.

Best Answer

The question is where do you start with the definition of "area". As far as I know, there are two options:

  1. Develop a general notion of a measure in the plane, say, in the spirit of the Lebesgue integral. Then the formula for the measure of a rectangle comes as a part of the definition of the measure. The hard part of the theory is to construct a well-defined set-function on a certain algebra of subset of the plane (or $n$-space, there is no fundamental difference between the two constructions).

  2. You can also start with axioms of Euclidean geometry (which do not include anything about areas!) and then develop a concept of area for general (not only convex) polygonal regions in the plane. If your objective is to present something that high school students or typical undergraduate students (in a Euclidean geometry class) can comprehend, then this is a way to go. Take a look at the book

E. Moise, "Elementary geometry from advanced standpoint", especially section 13.5, where he shows that area of any square (with side $a$) is $a^2$, starting merely with the normalization that area of the unit square is 1. Along the way, Moise develops the notion of area of planar polygons from scratch. The most difficult part of his proof (that area exists) is to show that area of a polygon does not depend on triangulation.

To conclude: all you need is the set of (Hilbert's) axioms of Euclidean geometry (since, as Hilbert observed, Euclid's set of axioms is incomplete). You also need a notion of real numbers (which Euclid did not have either), namely, ordered field axioms and the completeness axiom.

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