[Math] Proving that unitary transformations preserve orthonormality

linear algebranormed-spacesorthonormal

I'm trying to prove that unitary transformations preserve orthonormality for quantum chemistry course. This is how I tried but it seems that I can't manage.

Usual equations (definitions) regarding unitary transformations and their matrix elements:






To prove that unitary transformation preserve orthonormality, I expressed two orthonormal vectors $|n⟩$ and $|m⟩$ ( of course $⟨m|n⟩=δ_{mn}$ ) in different basis where basis is changed by unitary transformation:




Taking inner product of these orthonormal vectors and then substituting their transformed form should yield Kronecker delta.


But, indices doesn't seem right comparing to definitons regarding matrix elements of unitary transformations.

Where did this go wrong? Should something here be done in a different manner?

Best Answer

A unitary matrix $U$ has orthonormal columns and orthonormal rows. The property of having orthonormal columns can be written as $U^\dagger U=I$ or, equivalently, as $$ (1) \quad \sum_{k} U^*_{ki} U_{kj} = \sum_{k} U_{ki} U^*_{kj} = \delta_{ij} $$ The property of having orthonormal rows is $UU^{\dagger} = I$ or, equivalently, $$ (2) \quad \sum_{k} U^*_{ik} U_{jk} = \sum_{k} U_{ik} U^{*}_{jk} = \delta_{ij} $$ In bra-ket notation, a (column) vector $v$ is represented w.r.t. canonical base $\{ \mathbf{e}_i\}$ as $$ | v \rangle = \sum_k v_k | \mathbf{e}_k \rangle = \sum_k v_k | k \rangle $$ where we identified $| \mathbf{e}_k \rangle = | k \rangle$. We also have that $| v \rangle^\dagger = \langle v |$.

Let $x,y$ be two distinct orthogonal vectors, so $\langle x | y \rangle = \langle y | x \rangle = 0$. More precisely, $$ |x\rangle = \sum_k x_k |k\rangle, \quad |y\rangle = \sum_h y_h |h\rangle, \quad \langle x| y \rangle = \sum_k x_k^* y_k $$ We now apply the basis change: $\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{B}$ via unitary transform $U$. That is, each $\{ \mathbf{e}_i \}$ becomes $\mathbf{b}_i = U \mathbf{e}_i$, which means that $\mathbf{e}_i = U^{-1} \mathbf{b}_i = U^{\dagger} \mathbf{b}_i$. Writing the vectors in the new basis gives $$ |x\rangle = \sum_k x_k | \mathbf{e}_k \rangle = \sum_{k} x_k U^\dagger | \mathbf{b}_k \rangle, \quad |y\rangle = \sum_h y_h U^{\dagger} |\mathbf{b}_h\rangle $$ and $\langle x| = \sum_k x_k^* \langle \mathbf{b}_k | U$. We can now compute $$ \langle x | y \rangle = \sum_k \sum_h x^*_k y_h \langle \mathbf{b}_k| \underbrace{U U^\dagger}_{=I} | \mathbf{b}_h\rangle = \sum_k \sum_h x^*_k y_h \underbrace{\langle \mathbf{b}_k| \mathbf{b}_h\rangle}_{=\delta_{kh}} = \sum_k x_k^* y_k = 0 $$ which proves that orthogonality is preserved. Normality is preserved since the length of a vector is preserved ($U$ is an isometry). In fact, if $w = Ux$, then $$ \| w \| = \| U x \| = \sqrt{ \langle x | U^{\dagger} U | x \rangle } = \sqrt{ \langle x | x \rangle } = \| x \|. $$ and this is true also in the case $\| U^{\dagger} x \|$, since $UU^{\dagger} = I$.