Proving Sum and Difference of Two Squares Can’t Both Be Squares


I have the following task:

Prove that the sum and the difference of two squares (not equal to zero) can't both be squares.

For the sum, I thought about Pythagorean triples: $x^2+y^2=z^2$ works for an infinite amount of numbers, but why can't it occur for the sum and the difference as well?

I tried to write down this:

Assume that $a^2>b^2$. Then $a^2+b^2=c^2$ and $a^2-b^2=d^2$. Summing the left and the right equation, we get $2a^2=c^2+d^2$. I am just stuck proving why this can't occur. Any ideas? Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

If one has $a^2+b^2=c^2$ and $a^2-b^2=d^2$, then one has $a^4-b^4=(cd)^2$.

It is known that this is impossible. See, for example, here.

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