[Math] Proving that the intersection of closed sets is closed


I am having major trouble on this homework and need help!
Let $*$ be a binary operation on a set A. Let B and C be subsets of A that are closed under $*$.

a) Prove that $B \cap C$ is closed under $*$

b) Give an example to show that $B \cup C$ need not in general be closed under $*$

Is this just some basic theorem of set intersections? I've been scanning my textbook and can't find a thing. Am I overthinking?

Best Answer

If $x,\ y \in B \cap C$, then $x, \ y \in B$ and $x, \ y\in C$, both of which are closed under *. So what can you say about $x$ * $y$?

For b), consider $A=\Bbb Z$, the integers and *$=+$. Let $B= 3 \Bbb Z$ and $C = 2\Bbb Z$, that is multiples of $2$ and $3$ respectively. Each are closed under addition respectively, as $2x+2y=2(x+y)$ and similarly $3x+3y=3(x+y)$. However, $2+3 \not\in 2\Bbb Z$ or $3\Bbb Z$, so $2 \Bbb Z \cup 3 \Bbb Z$ isn't closed under addition.

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