Real Analysis – Proving Completeness of Metric Space (0,?) with d=|ln(x)-ln(y)|


Given the metric space $(X,d)$ with $X := (0,\infty)$ and $d:=|\ln(x)-\ln(y)|$, how can I show that $(X,d)$ is complete?

I need to prove that any Cauchy sequence converges, so:

If $(x_n)$ is a Cauchy sequence in X, then it follows for all $\epsilon \gt 0$ that there exists an $n_0 \in \mathbb{R} : \forall n,m \leq n_0: d(x_n,x_m) \lt \epsilon$.

I couldn't find a direct way to prove this, I guess an indirect approach might go as follows:

Let $(x_n)$ be a Cauchy sequence in X and assume that it does not converge, then it follows that there exists an $\epsilon > 0$ such that for an arbitrary $x \in X : \forall n \in \mathbb{N}: d(x_n – x) \geq \epsilon$ and this would contradict the fact that $(x_n)$ is a cauchy sequence. I'm assuming that this is incorrect since I didn't even use the given metric and this proof would mean that no cauchy sequence converges.

So how can I prove that this metric space is complete? And in general is there a way how to approach these completeness proofs?

Best Answer

HINT: If $x_n\to x_0$ in the standard metric on $(0,\infty)$, then $\ln x_n \to \ln x_0$.

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