[Math] proving that for every integer $x$, if $x$ is odd, then $x + 1$ is even (induction)

discrete mathematicsinductionlogicproof-verification

So I have to write a proof that "for every integer $x$, if $x$ is odd, then $x + 1$ is even". I understand what I have to do but I always get stuck at the last step which is prove that it's true for $k + 1$. Here's what I wrote down as my reasons as part of the proof:

  1. The theorem above is true for the base case (when $n=1$).
  2. Now lets assume the theorem is true for $n = k$.
  3. Now it's time to prove that the theorem is true for $n = k + 1$.
  4. If k is odd, then $(k + 1) + 1$ is even.

Is my rational/jump from $3$ to $4$ correct? I feel like I'm missing a step where I have to factor and algebraically solve the problem but I don't know how to go about that. Can someone please help me? Thanks!

Best Answer

You should try instead assuming the theorem is true for all $n \leq k$. (instead of just $n = k$).

Now, consider $k+1$. If $k+1$ is even, there is nothing to prove. If $k + 1$ is odd, we need to show $k + 2$ is even. Use your induction hypothesis here: in particular, you know that for $n = k-1$, if it is odd (can you show this?) then $n + 1 = k$ is even. What can you now conclude about $k + 2$?

Breaking this down into smaller steps.

  • Do you understand what the difference is in the induction hypothesis? (assuming for $n \leq k$ rather than $n = k$?)

  • Now we have to prove the theorem for the next larger number, $n = k + 1$. Either it is even or odd. What should we do if it is even?

  • If it is odd, we need to show the next bigger number, $n + 1 = k + 2$ is even.

  • At this point, what does the induction hypothesis say about $k -1$? (i.e. fill in the blanks: "if $k - 1$ is odd, then ____")

  • Is $k - 1$ odd? (otherwise the induction hypothesis doesn't say anything much).

  • What does this tell you about $k$? (in particular, is it even/odd?)

  • What does this tell you about $k + 2$? (the thing we're trying to prove something about).

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