[Math] Proving that Direct product $G_1 \times … \times G_n$ is abelian if and only if each of $G_1, …,G_n$ is abelian


If we let $G_1,…,G_n$ be groups,

how can we prove that the direct product $G_1 \times …. \times G_n$ is abelian if and only if each of $G_1,…,G_n$ is abelian.

Please if someone can help and guide with this question…

Best Answer

Keep in mind that two elements of $G_1 \times .... \times G_n$ are equal if and only if all of their components are equal, and that the operation on $G_1 \times .... \times G_n$ is made componentwise.

So $(a_1, \dots, a_n) \cdot (b_1, \dots, b_n) = (b_1, \dots, b_n) \cdot (a_1, \dots, a_n)$ if and only if...