Complex Analysis – Proving That All Entire and Injective Functions Take the Form f = ax + b


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I'm a little confused at both the overall logic in this proof. Are we simply using $g(z)$ to make conclusions about $f(z)$, because $g(z)$ is the reciprocal of $f$? Is the proof assuming that $f$ is injective and entire (all the while knowing that it has some sort of singularity at $z = 0$), and then trying to reach contradictions in the essential singularity and removable singularity cases? Then, once it concludes that $z = 0$ is a pole singularity, it reaches the conclusion that $f$ must be of the form $f(z) = az + b$?

Also, more specific questions about the different cases:

  1. Removable singularity case: Why is $f$ bounded on the closed circle if $f$ is continuous? Am I missing something simple?

  2. Essential singularity case: Why exactly is $f(\{|z| > r \} \cap f(\{|z|<r\}) \neq \emptyset$? $f(\{|z| > r \})$ is dense, but how does $f(\{|z|<r\}$ being open guarantee that their union is non-empty?

Best Answer

The first part of what you say its right, thats what the author is trying to do.

For the other 2 specific questions.

1.$f$ Is bounded because the closed circle is a compact set and $f$ is continuous.

2.Because the set $f(\{|z|<r\})$ is open it means that there is some ball inside $f(\{|z|<r\})$ that only take points from $f(\{|z|<r\})$, now because Cassorati-Weierstrass assures you that $f(\{|z| > r \}$ is dense in all $\mathbb{C}$, it must have some point inside that ball, thus the intersection, $f(\{|z| > r \} \cap f(\{|z|<r\})$ is non-empty.