[Math] Proving that a set with a ternary logical connective is functionally incomplete (i.e. inadequate)


I am stucked at trying to prove that the set $\{\lnot ,G\}$ of logical connectives is inadequate where $G$ is a ternary connective that gives $T$ (True) if most of its arguments are $T$.

For example:
$G(T,T,F)=T$ since there are more $T$'s than $F$'s
and $G(F,F,T)=F$ since there are more $F$'s than $T$'s

It seems that we cannot express tautologies and contradictions with this set of connectives but when I tried to prove it (using structural induction) I got stucked.

Thanks for any hint or help.

Best Answer

Consider just two propositional variables, say $p$ and $q$, and let's see what truth-functions of these we can express using $\neg$ and $G$. Using just $\neg$, we have $p,q,\neg p,\neg q$. Now let's apply $G$ to any triple of these, say $G(x,y,z)$. If two of $x,y,z$ are the same, the $G$ just produces that same one of $p,q,\neg p,\neg q$ as its output. So the only way to get anything new would be if $x,y,z$ are distinct elements of $\{p,q,\neg p,\neg q\}$. But then, since only one of $p,q,\neg p,\neg q$ is missing from $x,y,z$, this triple would contain either both $p$ and $\neg p$ or both $q$ and $\neg q$. But if some two of $x,y,z$ are each other's negations, then $G(x,y,z)$ agrees with the other one of $x,y,z$, so we still get nothing new. Conclusion: The only truth fnctions of $p$ and $q$ that can be expressed using $\neg$ and $G$ are $p,q,\neg p,\neg q$.

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