[Math] Proving that a set of functions is a subspace

linear algebravector-spaces

In order to proof that a set A is a subspace of a Vector space V we'd need to prove the following:

  • Enclosure under addition and scalar multiplication
  • The presence of the 0 vector

And I've done decent when I had to prove "easy" or "determined" sets A.

Now this time I need to prove that F and G are subspaces of V where:

F = {f ∈ V : f(−x) = −f(x) for every x ∈R} (every odd function)
G = {f ∈ V : f(−x) = f(x) for every x ∈R} (every even function)

How can I prove the above stated question with sets liek F and G which are just functions?


Edit: V is the "Vector Space of the real-valued functions over R

Best Answer

Given $V=F(-∞,∞)$ i.e set of all real valued functions over $\mathbb{R}$.

Consider given set $F=\{f(x)\in V: f(-x)=-f(x)\}$.

Clearly if $f,g\in F$ then $(f+g)(-x)=f(-x)+g(-x)=-f(x)-g(x)=-(f(x)+g(x))$

So that $F$ is closed with respect to addition. Now for $k\in \mathbb{R}$ consider, $(kf)(-x)=k•f(-x)=-k•f(x)$

Hence $F$ is closed with respect to scalar multiplication.

So that $F$ is subspace of $V=F(-∞,∞)$

Now can you do same for $G$?

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