Graph Theory – Proving a Connected Graph on n Vertices is a Tree if it has n-1 Edges

graph theory

I'm having some trouble proving the following theorem:

A connected graph on $n$ vertices is a tree iff it has $n-1$ edges

I sort of proved it one way, and I'm stuck the other way around.

Necessity ($\Rightarrow$):

A tree with $n$ vertices has $n-1$ edges.

Basis step ($n=1$):

A tree with one vertex has no edges

Assume a tree with $k\leq n$ vertices has $n-1$ edges

For $k+1$,

Let the added vertex be $u$, if $deg(u)=0$ then we don't have a tree, so $deg(u)>0$. If $deg(u)>1$ then we have a cycle (how do I argue about this?) so again we don't have a tree , so $deg(u)=1$.

Total number of edges = $(n-1) +1 = n \therefore$

$\therefore P(1) \land \forall k, P(k)\Rightarrow P(k+1)$

Sufficiency ($\Leftarrow$)

A connected graph with $n-1$ edges is a tree

How can I prove this part? Also, is my induction ok?

Best Answer

Hint: Argue that a connected graph with $n$ vertices and $n - 1$ edges cannot have a cycle and is thus a tree.

And yes, your induction looks fine, although you seem to be restricting yourself to a leaf. Maybe you can try a more general case by detaching the new vertex and considering the two disconnected components (both of which will satisfy the inductive hypothesis).