Geometry – Proving Stewart’s Theorem Without Trigonometry


Stewart's theorem states that in the triangle shown below,

$$ b^2 m + c^2 n = a (d^2 + mn). $$

Stewart's theorem

Is there any good way to prove this without using any trigonometry? Every proof I can find uses the Law of Cosines.

Best Answer

You can do it using the Pythagorean theorem. I'll treat the case in which $\angle (a,b)$ and $\angle(a,c)$ are both acute and $m \gt n$ as in your figure.

Draw the height $h$ of the triangle $abc$ and denote the resulting middle segment on $a$ by $x$. Using the Pythagorean theorem one sees

$$\begin{align*} b^2 &= h^2 + (n+x)^2 \\ c^2 &= h^2 + (m-x)^2 \\ d^2 &= h^2 + x^2 \end{align*}$$

Therefore $$\begin{align*} b^2 m &= h^2m + n^2m + 2mnx+x^2m \\ c^2 n &= h^2n + m^2n - 2mnx + x^2n \\ b^2 m + c^2n &= (n+m)(h^2 + mn + x^2) = a(d^2 + mn) \end{align*}$$ as we wanted.

If $\angle(a,c)$ is obtuse, the same idea works: Write $$b^2 = (m+n+x)^2 + h^2, \qquad c^2 = x^2 + h^2, \qquad d^2 = (m+x)^2 + h^2$$ and calculate similarly.

Symmetry and the consideration of some degenerate cases easily lead to a complete proof of Stewart's theorem from what I've written here.

It would be very nice to have a good pictorial proof that makes the identity similarly obvious as Pythagoras, but so far I couldn't come up with a nice figure that would achieve this.

Added: Matthew Stewart (1717–1785) published this theorem as Proposition II on page 2 in his 1746 book Some general theorems of considerable use in the higher parts of mathematics ( Unfortunately, Google's scans don't seem to include the figures, but they are easy to reconstruct from the description in the text.

Update:(by @brainjam) I've taken the liberty of adding a partial scan of the figures from another Google scan -

One case of Stewart's Proposition II reads in the above notation:

$$b^2 + c^2 \frac{n}{m} = an + d^2 \frac{a}{m}$$

and it has the following nice corollary:

$$a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 2d^2 + m^2 + n^2.$$

Here's the title page and the relevant passage (not using trigonometry either). Since Proposition I is used in the proof, I'm including the entire beginning of the text:

Frontispiece Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Figures