Number Theory – Proving $p\nmid \binom{p^rm}{p^r}$ Where $p\nmid m$

algebra-precalculusbinomial-coefficientsdivisibilityelementary-number-theorynumber theory

A question from Advanced Modern Algebra by Joseph J.Rotman.

Let $n=(p^r)m $ such that the prime $p\nmid m$.Prove that $p\nmid \dbinom{n}{p^r}$.HINT: Assume otherwise, cross multiply and apply Euclid's lemma.

I followed the hint and got


Now using Euclid's lemma, we conclude that since p divides the left side,it must also divide the right side. But we already know from our primary assumption that p divides $\dbinom{n}{p^r}$. But it must also divide $p^r!(n-p^r)!$. I am lost at this point and cannot seem to derive the contradiction as hinted in the hint.

I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could nudge me in the right direction.

Best Answer

Let's try another proof using polynomials that I think is cool :

Consider the polynomial $$ (1+X)^p - (1+X^p) $$ over the field $\mathbb{Z}_p$. We know that $a^p \equiv a\pmod{p}$ for all $a\in \mathbb{Z}_p$, so this is a polynomial of degree $p-1$, that has $p$ roots. This is only possible if it is identically zero. Hence, $$ (1+X)^p \equiv (1+X^p)\pmod{p} $$ By induction, we see that $$ (1+X)^{p^r} \equiv (1+X^{p^r})\pmod{p} $$ Thus $$ (1+X)^{p^rm} \equiv (1+X^{p^r})^m\pmod{p} $$ Hence the corresponding coefficients of both these polynomials must be equal $\pmod{p}$. Consider the coefficient of $X^{p^r}$ on both sides to conclude that $$ {p^r m \choose p^r } \equiv m\pmod{p} $$ which proves what you want.

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