[Math] Proving Odd & Even Functions


For the following:

If $f$ is an odd function, then $|f|$ is _______.

If $f$ is an odd function and $g$ is an even function then, $(f\circ g)(x)$ is _______.

If $f$ is an odd function and $g$ is an odd function, then $(f\cdot g)(x)$ is _______.

I can't tell the answer all of a sudden, however whenever I start trying to prove them, I get it.

Anyways, how would you guys approach this? I learned how to actually go about proving it but is there anyway you can solve this without actually trying to prove it?

Best Answer

1. If $f$ is odd , then $|f|$ is even because $\left | f(-x) \right |= \left | -f(x) \right |= \left | f(x) \right |$.

2. If $f$ is odd and $g$ is even then $f\circ g$ is even. That is because if $h(x)=(f\circ g)(x)$ then:

$$h(-x)=\left ( f\circ g \right )(-x)= f\left ( g(-x) \right )= f(g(x))=h(x)$$

3. If $f$ is odd and $g$ is odd then $\varphi(x)=f(x) \cdot g(x)$ is even. That is because:

$$\varphi(-x)= f(-x) g(-x)= -f(x)\cdot (-g(x))= f(x)g(x)=\varphi(x)$$

Fixed typos!

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