[Math] Proving $n^4-4n^2$ is divisible by $3$ using induction

algebra-precalculusdiscrete mathematicsinduction

$n^4 – 4n^2$ is divisible by $3$ for all $n \geq 0$.

Okay so the help earlier has been working on the questions up until now. I cannot figure out how to "factor" this one. So once I prove the base case for $n = 0$ (I also did for $n =1$) I proceed to the inductive step. However I'm a little confused.

Normally I understand that if we $S(N) = X$ condition. We do induction by,
$S(N) + \text{(N +1 additive)} = S(N+ 1)$. However no idea how to do this here. I need help. <,< Sorry!

Best Answer

HINT $\ $ Put $\rm\ f(n)\: =\: n^3 - 4\ n\:.\:$ To show that $\rm\ 3\ |\ n\ f(n)\:$ it suffices too show $\rm\ 3\ |\ f(n)\:.\:$ To prove this by induction note that $\rm\ 3\ |\ f(n+1)-f(n)\ =\ 3\ (n^2+n-1)\:.\: $ Therefore we deduce that

$\qquad$ since $\rm\ \ 3\ |\ f(n+1)-f(n),\ \ $ if $\rm\ \ 3\ |\ f(n)\: \ $ then $\rm\ \ 3\ |\ f(n+1)-f(n)+f(n) \ =\ f(n+1)$

which yields the inductive step, viz. $\rm\ 3\ |\ f(n)\ \Rightarrow\ 3\ |\ f(n+1)\:.\:$ The base step is: $\rm\:3\ |\ f(0)\: =\: 0\:.\:$

The same technique works very generally - see my many prior posts on telescopy.