[Math] Proving arguments are valid using rules of inference.

discrete mathematicslogicproof-explanationproof-verificationpropositional-calculus

Use the rules of inference and the laws of propositional logic to prove that each argument is valid. Number each line of your argument and label each line of your proof "Hypothesis" or with the name of the rule of inference used at that line. If a rule of inference is used, then include the numbers of the previous lines to which the rule is applied.

p → (q ∧ r)


∴ ¬p

Best Answer

The instructions seem clear enough.   Construct a table like so and then fill in the missing details.$${\begin{array}{r|l:l}1 & p\to(q\wedge r) & \text{Premise 1 (Hypothesis)}\\ 2 & \neg q & \text{Premise 2 (Hypothesis)}\\\hdashline 3 & \quad p& \text{Assumption (Hypothesis)}\\ \vdots & \quad \vdots& \vdots\\ \underline\quad & \quad \bot& \underline{\quad},\underline{\quad},\textit{rule of inference}\\ \underline\quad & \neg p & 3,\underline\quad,\text{Hypothesis negation}\\ \hline\end{array}\\ \therefore\quad p\to(q\wedge r), \neg q \vdash \neg p}$$

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