[Math] Proving arbitrary intersection of closed intervals is nonempty


I'm trying to prove the following statment:

Let $\{I_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in\Gamma}$ be a collection of closed intervals, where $\Gamma\neq\emptyset$ is an arbitrary index set, such that $I_{\alpha}\cap I_{\beta}\neq\emptyset$ for every $\alpha,\beta\in\Gamma,$ $\alpha\neq\beta.$ Then $\bigcap_{\alpha\in\Gamma}I_{\alpha}\neq\emptyset.$

My attempt is based in consider that those intervals are compact because they are closed and bounded in $\mathbb{R}.$

Since intervals are compatc sets, so intersection is compact and satisfy the property of finite intersection, which implies intersection of all intervals is nonempty.

Is this correct? Is there another way to prove this easier?
I'd appreciate any kind of help.

Thanks in advanced!

Best Answer

I think "closed intervals" means intervals of the form $[a,b]$. The statement is false if you include half-intervals. (Consider the collection $\{[1,\infty),[2,\infty),[3,\infty),\ldots\}$.)

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