[Math] Proving a set is positive invariant for a dynamical system

dynamical systemsordinary differential equationsset-invariance

I have the following dynamical system:

\dot{x}&=-x-2y^2, \\
My task is to show that, for the dynamical system, the set $$S=\left\{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^2:x \leq0 \right\}$$ is positive invariant.

My first thought is to use a Liapunov function defined by $$L:S \to \mathbb{R}, \: \: L(x,y)=-x,$$ which is positive definite. However, calculating $\dot{L}$ gives

$$\dot{L}=L_x\dot{x}+L_y\dot{y}=-\left(-x-2y^2\right)=x+2y^2,$$ from which I cannot seem to deduce anything.

Any help would be great!

Best Answer

Hint: Check how vector field points along the boundary of your domain of interest. If it points inside, then Bony-Brezis theorem can be applied. Or you just can say that vector field along the boundary doesn't let trajectories go out of domain $x \leqslant 0$.

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