[Math] Proving a Lipschitz function is continuous


A function $f:D\subset \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$

is lipschitz given that there exists a $L\gt0$ such that $|f(x)-f(y)|\le L|x-y|$

I need to prove this function is then continuous. Is there a best definition of continuous functions to use for this proof given the definition of Lipschitz?

Is the epsilon delta way the only way to do it? can someone help me set it up? I really struggle with implementing that definition.

Best Answer

Following @Sujit's nearly correct outline, suppose $f$ is Lipschitz continuous: $$|f(x) - f(y)| < L|x-y|$$

and let $\epsilon > 0$ be arbitrary and choose $\color{red}{\delta = \frac{\epsilon}{L}}$. Then $$\begin{align} |x-y| < \delta &\implies |x-y| < \frac{\epsilon}{L}\\ & \implies L|x-y| < \epsilon\\ & \implies \underbrace{|f(x) - f(y)| < L|x-y|}_{supposition} < \epsilon\\ & \implies |f(x) - f(y)| < \epsilon \end{align}$$ $$ \square$$