[Math] Proving a complex function is continuous.


I've recently started complex analysis but I have very little background in complex numbers and to make sure I don't fall behind I'm doing some extra exercises one of which is

Show $f$ is continuous on $\mathbb C$

z^{2} / |z| \qquad &\mbox{when } z\neq0,\\ 0
\qquad &\mbox{when }z=0.

I know the epsilon delta proof for limits quite well and the limit definition of continuous but I don't know how to apply them to this function. Can anybody help or at least get me started?

Best Answer

I'm sure you will agree with me that for $z \not= 0$, $f(z)$ is continuous.

The only point of concern is the continuity at $z=0$.

Now consider


and we can use a result:

$|f|$ has a limit $0$ as $z \rightarrow c$ $\iff$ $f$ has a limit $0$ as $z \rightarrow c$

And we have

$$\lim_{z \to 0}|z|=0$$ So $$\lim_{z \to 0}f(z)=0=f(0)$$

and it follows that $f$ is continuous at $z=0$.

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