Inequality – Proving (x1 + … + xn)² ? n(x1² + … + xn²)


Prove that

$(x_1+\dots+x_n)^2 \leq n(x_1^2 + \dots+x_n^2)$

for all positive integers n and all real numbers $x_1,….,x_n$

I am attempting a proof by induction but wasn't sure if i need the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality or perhaps another way other than induction to prove this.


$n=1$ true

assume true for $n=k$

Now for $n= k+1$

$(x_1 + \dots +x_k + x_{k+1})^2 \leq \dots$

Best Answer

By Jensen's inequality, since $f(x)=x^2$ is convex when $x\ge 0$ we have $$ (\frac{x_1+...+x_n}{n})^2 \le \frac{x_1^2+...+x_n^2}{n} $$

whenever $x_i \ge 0$ all $i$. The case where $x_i \in \Bbb R$ follows trivially.

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