[Math] Prove validity of argument


I am trying to prove the validity of the following argument:

  1. (p $\rightarrow$ q) $\land$ (r $\rightarrow$ s)
  2. p $\lor$ r


  1. q $\lor$ s

I am stuck pretty early on. I removed the implications on line #1 by using logical equivalences, and now have the following:

  1. (~p $\lor$ q) $\land$ (~r $\lor$ s)

I'm not sure how I can further simplify this argument?

Best Answer


Start appling Simplification (or Conjunction Elimination) to 1st premise to derive :

a) $(p → q)$

b) $(r → s)$

Then apply Case analysis with 2nd premise to derive by Modus ponens, follwed by Addition (or Disjunction Introduction), from the two formulas above :

c) $q \lor s$.

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