[Math] Prove uniform convergence using the M-test


Problem: Prove that the following series converges uniformly on the given interval using Weierstrass M-test. $$\sum\frac{nx}{1+n^5x^2} $$
on $|x| < +\infty$.
My attempt has been to use $M_{n} = \frac{nx}{n^5x^2} = \frac{1}{n^4 x} $, and show that this converges using the comparison test, but then I get interval of convergence $|x| > 1$. Do I have the wrong idea about how to use the M-test?

Best Answer

You can not take take $M_{n} = \frac{nx}{n^5x^2} = \frac{1}{n^4 x}$ since when $x=0$, $M_n$ is not bounded. If you calculate the supremum value of $\frac{nx}{1+n^5x^2}$ then you will see that it takes its supremum at $x=n^{-5/2}$. Then you get $M_{n}=\frac{n^{-3/2}}{2}$ and $\sum M_{n}=\sum\frac{n^{-3/2}}{2} $ is convergent , so by Weierstrass M-test the series converges uniformly.

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