[Math] Prove this equation represents a pair of straight lines.

analytic geometry

I am to prove that $(ab-h^2)(ax^2+2hxy+by^2+2gx+2fy)+af^2+bg^2-2fgh=0$ represents a pair of straight lines. I am aware of the condition that is represents a pair of straight lines if $abc+2fgh-af^2-bg^2-ch^2=0$ in the general equation for 2nd degree, but that would turn out to be very cumbersome. So, is there any shortcut to prove this?

Best Answer

Here are two ways to answer the question.

  • 1) A matrix oriented arguing:

It is clear that the following condition must hold:

$$\tag{0}m:=a b - h^2 \neq 0$$

(otherwise, the LHS of the given equation would become a constant).

The equation of the conical section can thus be divided by $m$, and therefore be written

$$\tag{1}U:=ax^2+2hxy+by^2+2gx+2fy+c=0 \ \ \text{where} \ \ c:=\frac{a f^2 + b g^2 - 2f g h}{a b - h^2}$$

or, in a matrix form:

$U=X^TMX=0$ with $X^T=(x \ y \ 1)$ and:

$$\tag{2} M=\pmatrix{a& h& g\\h& b& f\\g& f& c}.$$

Expanding the determinant of $M$ along its third column gives $det(M)=0$.

Therefore $rank(M)\leq 2$.

But condition (0) expresses the fact that the upper left minor of $M$ is nonzero. Thus $rank(M)\geq 2$. Finally:

$$\tag{3} rank(M)=2.$$

Thus the conical section is decomposable into 2 straight lines (see for example (Decomposition of a degenerate conic)), but these straight lines might have complex coefficients!

It appears that a condition of reality is

$$\tag{3}h^2 > ab$$

(were you aware of it?) as we are going to see it in the second way.

  • 2) An explicit way, by decomposition of $U$.

Under condition (3), (1) can be written

$$\tag{4}U=\left(s x + \frac{h y + g}{s}\right)^2-\left(t y + \frac{u}{t}\right)^2=0$$

by setting $s=\sqrt{a}, t=\dfrac{\sqrt{h^2 - a b}}{s}, u=\dfrac{g h - a f}{a}.$

Being a difference of two squares, (4) can be decomposed into two pairs of first degree equations which are the equations of the straight lines.