[Math] Prove the size of the result of a cartesian product is equal to the product of the size of the two sets.


We want to show:

$$|S_1 \times S_2| = |S_1| \cdot |S_2|$$

I am not sure how to go about showing this in general terms. I believe that we will need to use the definition of the cartesian product during this, so that is where I am at right now.

$$S_1 \times S_2 = \{(a,b): a \in S_1 \; \text{and} \; b \in S_2\}$$

These are finite sets.

Best Answer

Say $S_1 = \{a,b\}$ and $S_2=\{x,y,z\}$. Then

$$ S_1\times S_2= \big\{ (a,x),\ (a,y),\ (a,z),\ (b,x),\ (b,y),\ (b,z) \big\}. $$ So you can look at it in either of two ways: $$ \big\{ \underbrace{(a,x),\ (a,y),\ (a,z)},\ \underbrace{(b,x),\ (b,y),\ (b,z)} \big\}. $$ $$ \big\{ \underbrace{(a,x),\ (b,x)},\ \underbrace{(a,y),\ (b,y)},\ \underbrace{(a,z),\ (b,z)} \big\} $$ The first is a sum of two $3$s; the second is a sum of three $2$s. So the first is $2\times3$ and the second is $3\times 2$. That's one way of knowing that $2\times3$ is the same number as $3\times2$.

$$ |S_1|\times|S_2| = \sum_{a\in S_1}\ \sum_{x\in S_2}\ 1 = \sum_{(a,x)\in S_1\times S_2} \ 1. $$

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