[Math] Prove the rank of the direct sum of two linear transformations (on finite-dimensional vector spaces) is the sum of their ranks.

linear algebratransformationvector-spaces

I would like to show the rank of the direct sum of two linear transformations (on finite-dimensional vector spaces) is the sum of their ranks.

Definition: Let $M$ and $N$ be any two vector spaces, and let $A$ and $B$ be any two linear transformations (on $M$ and $N$ respectively). let $V$ be the direct sum of $M$ and $N$, then we define on $V$ a linear transformation $C$ called the direct sum of $A$ and $B$, by writing $Cz=C(x,y)=(Ax,By)$.

Definition: The rank of a linear transformation is the dimension of the range.

$Source$: Halmos Finite Demensional Vector Space section 48-51 exercise#4.

I am pretty much lose, any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

Hint: Suppose that $C = A \oplus B: M \oplus N \to M' \oplus N'$. let $x_1,\dots,x_m \in M$ be such that $A(x_1),\dots,A(x_m)$ is a basis of the image of $A$. Let $y_1,\dots,y_n \in N$ be such that $B(y_1),\dots,B(y_n)$ is a basis of the image of $B$.

Show that the set $$ \{(A(x_1),0),(A(x_2),0),\dots,(A(x_m),0),(0,B(x_1)),\dots,(0,B(x_n))\} $$ is a basis of the image of $C$ (which is simply the direct sum of the images of $A$ and $B$).

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