[Math] Prove the probability to even number of “Heads” is $\frac{1}{2}$.


Let $n$ coins, where at least one of them is a fair coin. Each one of the $n$ coins is tossed – Prove the probability to get even number of "Heads" is $\frac{1}{2}$.

I'd be glad for a direction.


Best Answer

Lat $A$ be one of the fair coins. Let $p$ be the probability that the number of "heads" among the rest (i.e., the coins $\ne A$) is even. Then the probability for a total number of even "heads" is $$P(A\text{ tails})P(\text{rest even})+P(A\text{ heads})P(\text{rest odd})=\frac12p+\frac12(1-p)=\frac12.$$