[Math] Prove the nonzero eigenvalues of $M$ are roots of unity.

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebraroots-of-unity

Suppose $A$ and M are $n \times n$ matrices over $\mathbb{C}%$, $A$ is invertible
and $AMA^{-1} = M^2$. Prove the nonzero eigenvalues of $M$ are roots of

I get that you can rearrange this as $MA^{-1} = A^{-1}M^2$. Then for some eigenvector-eigenvalue pair of $M$ ($Mv=\lambda v$), then $M(A^{-1}v) = A^{-1}M^2v = \lambda^2(A^{-1}v)$ making $\lambda^2$ an eigenvalue.

Why does it follow that $\lambda^{2^k}$ is an eigenvalue? For reference this is 7.5.9 in the Book "Berkeley Problems In Mathematics". Thanks.

Best Answer

The matrices $AMA^{-1}$ and $M^2$ have the same eigenvalues. In particular, they have the same non-null eigenvalues. Therefore, if $\lambda$ is a non-null eigenvalue of $M$, then so is $\lambda^2$. But then so is $\lambda^4$ and so on. On the other hand, $M$ has only a finite number of eigenvalues. Therefore $\lambda^{2^k}=\lambda^{2^l}$ for some $k,l\in\mathbb{N}$ with $k>l$. So, $\lambda^{2^l}(\lambda^{2^k-2^l}-1)=0$. But $\lambda^{2^l}\neq0$ and therefore $\lambda^{2^k-2^l}=1$.