Metric Spaces – Prove the Map Has a Fixed Point


Assume $K$ is a compact metric space with metric $\rho$ and $A$ is a map from $K$ to $K$ such that $\rho (Ax,Ay) < \rho(x,y)$ for $x\neq y$. Prove A have a unique fixed point in $K$.

The uniqueness is easy. My problem is to show that there a exist fixed point. $K$ is compact, so every sequence has convergent subsequence. Construct a sequence ${x_n}$ by $x_{n+1}=Ax_{n}$,$\{x_n\}$ has a convergent subsequence $\{ x_{n_k}\}$, but how to show there is a fixed point using $\rho (Ax,Ay) < \rho(x,y)$?

Best Answer

Define $f(x):=\rho(x,A(x))$; it's a continuous map. (Note $$\rho(x,Ax)\le\rho(x,y)+\rho(y,Ay)+\rho(Ay,Ax)\quad\forall x, y\in K$$ or $$\rho(x,Ax)-\rho(y,Ay)\le\rho(x,y)+\rho(Ax,Ay).$$ Reversing the roles of $x,y$ to get $$\left|\rho(x,Ax)-\rho(y,Ay)\right|\le\rho(x,y)+\rho(Ax,Ay)<2\delta \quad \text{ whenever }\rho(x,y)<\delta.$$ That is, $f$ is actually uniformly continuous.)

Let $\alpha:=\inf_{x\in K}f(x)$, then we can find $x_0\in K$ such that $\alpha=f(x_0)$, since $K$ is compact. If $\alpha>0$, then $x_0\neq Ax_0$ and $\rho(A(Ax_0),Ax_0)<\rho(Ax_0,x_0)=\alpha$, which is a contradiction. So $\alpha=0$ and $x_0$ is a fixed point. The assumption on $A$ makes it unique.

Note that completeness wouldn't be enough in this case, for example consider $\mathbb R$ with the usual metric, and $A(x):=\sqrt{x^2+1}$. It's the major difference between $\rho(Ax,Ay)<\rho(x,y)$ for $x\neq y$ and the existence of $0<c<1$ such that for all $x,y,$: $\rho(Ax,Ay)\leq c\rho(x,y)$.

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