[Math] Prove: the countable product of regular topological spaces is regular.


Prove: the countable product of regular topological spaces is regular.

Label the countable product of $X_i$ as $X$. Given $x \in X$ and $U$ a closed set s.t. $ x \notin U$, let's find disjoint neighborhoods of $x$ and $U$. Because $U$ is closed in $X$, it's closed in each $X_i$ (label these closed sets as $U_i$. Also, each coordinate of $x$ is disjoint in each $U_i$, and from $X_i$'s regularity we get that there are open disjoint neighborhoods around $x$ and $U_i$ in $X_i$.

If we take the product of these neighborhoods we get what we want.

Is this proof correct? I'm new to the idea of product spaces so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing.

Best Answer

There are multiple mistakes in your proof. First of all, the set $U$ is a subset of $X$, not a a subset of $X_i$. This mistake also cannot be fixed by considering the projection of $\pi_i(U)$ onto $X_i$, as $\pi_i(x)$ may be inside of $\pi_i(U)$. For example, consider a circle in $\mathbb{R}^2$ and the origin.

Also, I assume you want to consider the product topology on the product of spaces. However, the infinite product of open sets is in general not open in the product topology (see also Box Topology).

If you want a hint as to how to prove the assertion, take a look at this answer on MO.