[Math] Prove that two lines are perpendicular in isosceles triangle geometrically


We have given isosceles triangle $ABC$ with baseline $AB$. Point $M$ is midpoint of AB. Draw perpendicular line to side $AC$ through $M$ which intersects $AC$ in point $H$. Let $P$ be midpoint of $MH$. Show that lines $BH$ and $CP$ are perpendicular to each other.

I also have "hint":
Construct height $BD$ to side $AC$ and look at the triangles $ABD$ and $MCH$.

Analytically there is no problem but I get stuck in geometrical approach to solution.

Best Answer

We draw the line $BD$ perpendicular to $AC$ and parallel to $MH$. Because $\angle CBA=\angle CAB=\angle CMH$, we know that $\triangle AMH\sim\triangle ABD\sim\triangle MCH$. Because $|AM|=|MB|$, it follows that $|AH|=|HD|$. Thus, $H$ is the midpoint of $AD$. Now, we see that $BH$ and $CP$ are medians in $\triangle ABD$ and $\triangle MCH$. Also, we can get $\triangle MCH$ by rotating $\triangle ABD$ over $90^\circ$ and translating and scaling it. Because translation and scaling don't change the angle between corresponding lines, we now find that $BH\perp CP$.
