[Math] Prove that the tent map has exactly nine 6-cycles.

chaos theorydiscrete mathematicsdynamical systems

Prove that the tent map

$$T(x)= \begin{cases}2x& \text{if} &0 \le x \le 1/2\\2-2x& \text{if}&1/2<x \leq 1\end{cases}$$

has exactly nine 6-cycles.

This is my first proofs class and we have yet to prove anything in class. My professor gave us this problem to do by Monday and I honestly have no idea of where to start or what to do.

Best Answer

There are $2^n$ equations for $T^n(x)$, and so there are $2^n$ fixed points. However, some of the fixed points are in the same cycle. So for $T^3(x)$, the fixed points are $\left\{0,\frac29,\frac27,\frac49,\frac47,\frac69=\frac23,\frac67,\frac89\right\}$, and the cycles for $T^3(x)$ are $\left\{\left\{0\right\},\left\{\frac29,\frac49,\frac89\right\},\left\{\frac27,\frac47,\frac67\right\},\left\{\frac69=\frac23\right\}\right\}$. So there are 4 period-3 orbits for $T(x)$, but only 2 with a prime period of 3, and thus only 2 3-cycles.


Prove that the tent map has exactly nine 6-cycles. $$T(x)=\left\{\begin{matrix}2x \qquad \ \ \ \ \ 0\le x\le\frac12 \\ 2-2x \quad \frac12< x\le1\end{matrix}\right.$$

  1. $T^n(x)$ has $2^n$ piecewise functions, $n \in N$ by the definition of an iterating function and by $T(x)$.

  2. $T^n(x)$ has $2^n$ fixed points where $T^n(x)=x$. By (1).

  3. Iff $T^n(x)=x$, then $x$ is an element of a period-$n$ orbit of $T(x)$. By definition of orbit.

  4. The fixed points of $T^n(x)$ comprise all elements of the period-$n$ orbits of $T(x)$. By (3).

  5. Given $m<n$ where $m,n \in N$, iff $\frac mn \in N$, then $m$ is a factor of $n$. The factors of $n$ are $\{m_1,m_2,...,m_k\}$ where $k \in N$. By the definition of factor.

  6. $T^n(x)=T^{m_i}(T^{m_j}(x))$, where $m_i \cdot m_j=n$ and $i,j \in N$. By iterating function.

  7. The fixed points of $T^{m_k}(x)$ are also fixed points of $T^n(x)$. By (6).

  8. Given $s$ unique fixed points of $T^{m_k}(x)$, there are $2^n-s$ fixed points of $T^n(x)$ which are not fixed points of any $T^{m_k}(x)$. By (7) and (2).

  9. The fixed points of $T^n(x)$ which are not fixed points of $T^{m_k}(x)$ are all the elements of period-$n$ orbits of $T(x)$ with prime period $n$. By (7) and (3).

  10. There are $n$ unique elements to each $n$-cycle of $T(x)$. By definition of $n$-cycle.

  11. There are exactly $\frac {2^n-s}{n}$ $n$-cycles of $T(x)$. By (10).

  12. For $T^6(x)$, there are $\frac {2^6-s}{6}$ 6-cycles of $T(x)$. By (11).

  13. $s$=number of unique fixed points of $\{T^1(x),T^2(x),T^3(x)\}=2+2+6=10$. By (8) and (5).

  14. There are $\frac {2^6-10}{6}$ 6-cycles of $T(x)$. $$\frac {2^6-10}{6}=\frac {64-10}{6}=\frac {54}{6}=9$$ By (13),(11),(12).

  15. There are exactly nine 6-cycles of $T(x)$. By (14).

Hope that's more comprehensive and helpful.

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