Countable Dense Subset – Proving the Space Has One


I'm doing this exercise in Munkres book and got no clue about the solution. Hope some one can help me solve this.

Show that the product space $R^{I}$, where $I = [0,1]$, has a countable dense subset. If $J$ has cardinality greater than $\mathscr{P}(Z_{+})$, then the product space $R^{J}$ does not have a countable dense subset

With this problem, I even can't imagine the space $R^{I}$. So if some one can talk something about this space, I really appreciate it (as I know, this space is rather important, right?)

Thanks so much

Best Answer

Note that the structure of $I$ or $J$ is irrelevant for topology of $\mathbb{R}^I$ or $\mathbb{R}^J$. Only the cardinality matters. So we want to show that product of continuum copies of $\mathbb{R}$ is separable but product of more than continuum copies of $\mathbb{R}$ is not separable. Actually the following holds: Product of $≤ 2^κ$ spaces of density $≤ κ$ has density $≤ κ$ (for $κ$ infinite cardinal). This is called Hewitt–Marczewski—Pondiczery theorem (e. g. Engelking 2.3.15). On the other hand if all spaces forming a product contain two disjoint open subsets (e. g. at least 2 point Hausdorff spaces) then there is injection from index set to powerset of a dense set so product of more than $2^κ$ such spaces cannot have density $≤ κ$. For proofs and more details see

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