[Math] Prove that the smallest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix $A$ is equal to the minimum value of $u^TAu$ where $u$ is a unit vector in $\Bbb R^n$.

calculuseigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebra

Let $D = \{u \in \mathbb{R}^n | \|u\|=1\}$ denote the unit sphere.

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ be a symmetric matrix, and denote its smallest eigenvalue by $\lambda_\min$. Why do we have

$$\lambda_\min =\min_{u \in D} u^TAu?$$

I don't quite get what the minimum imply in this statement, does it mean that the smallest unit vector $u$ or smallest value of $u^TAu$ given $u$ is a unit vector?

Best Answer

Let $\;\lambda_1\le\ldots\le\lambda_n\;$ be the eigenvalues of $\;A\;$ , and let $\;\{v_1,...,v_n\}\;$ be an orthonormal basis of corresponding eigenvectors of $\;A\;$. Let us denote by $\;(,)\;$ the usual inner product in $\;\Bbb R^n\;$ .

Thus, if we take $\;x=\sum\limits_{k=1}^na_kv_k\in\Bbb R^n\;$ , then we get (all this stuff is around the spectral theorem. Check this important theorem) for the quadratic form $\;q(x):=x^tAx\;$ the following:


The above is true for any $\;x\in\Bbb R^n\;$ and then also for any unit vector there. Finally, observe that


...and of course $\;v_1\;$ is a unit vector. Now fill up details and finish the argument (there's hardly anything left)