[Math] Prove that the set $\{\sin(x),\cos(x)\}$ is linearly independent using derivative.

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Prove that the set $\{\sin(x),\cos(x)\}$ is linearly independent using matricies.

Method 1

Let $r\sin(x)+s\cos(x)=0$

If $x=0$, this means that $s=0$

If $x=\pi/2$, this means that $r=0$.

Therefore the set is linearly independent.

Method 2 – using derivatives

$$r\sin(x)+s\cos(x)=0 \tag 0$$
Differentiating once,

$$r\cos(x)-s\sin(x)=0 \tag 1$$
Differentiating again,

$$-r\sin(x)-s\cos(x)=0 \tag 2$$

Take equation $0$ and $2$ in a matrix.

1 & 1\\
-1 & -1
\end{pmatrix} RREF
1 & 1\\
0 & 0

So this still brings us back to our original $r\sin(x)+s\cos(x)=0$. Does this mean that it cannot be solved with a matrix, and we must solve it manually?

Best Answer

The first equation and the differentiated equation give a nontrivial element $(\sin(x),\cos(x))$ of the kernel of the matrix

$$\begin{bmatrix} r & s \\ -s & r \end{bmatrix}.$$ Note that the determinant of this matrix is $r^2+s^2=0$, so $r=s=0$. Note that this method proves more: that there is no interval on which the sine and cosine functions are constant multiples of one another.