[Math] Prove that the set of all binary sequences is uncountable


Question: Prove that the set of all infinite binary sequences is uncountable.

Comments: I think that there are a couple of ways of going about this. My first approach was to show that the set of all infinite binary sequences are not finite and they are not denumerable. I then noted that the set of all binary sequences is not finite ( by definition) I then choose to suppose that the set of all binary sequences is denumerable, and find a contradiction. However, I couldn't seem to find a function that would do this. I then scraped this approach. Then I tried to find a bijection from (0,1) to the set of all infinite binary sequences. Again, with no luck. Will either one of the two approaches I did work out?

Best Answer

Take the 1-to-1 function $f$ of the open interval $]0,1[$ in $\mathbb R$ defined by

$f(x)=$ representation of x in the numerical system of base $2$

This is enough.

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