[Math] Prove that the set is closed and bounded


Prove that if set $K\subset \mathbb{R}^k$ has the property that for every sequence $\left\{ x_n \right\}\subset K$ we can choose convergent subsequence $\left\{ x_{n_j} \right\}\rightarrow x\in K$ then $K$ is closed and bounded.

Seems very hard, but very interesting. I don't know how to approach. Can anybody help?

Best Answer

If $K$ is not bounded, then for every $M\gt 0$ there exists $x\in K$ such that $\lVert x\rVert \gt M$. Pick $x_n$ with $\lVert x_{n+1}\rVert \gt \lVert x_n\rVert+1$ to get a sequence with no convergent subsequence.

If $K$ is not closed, pick $y\in\overline{K}\setminus K$; if a sequence of points of $K$ converges to $y$, can a subsequence converge to a point in $K$?