[Math] Prove that the semi Latus rectum of an ellipse is the harmonic mean of the segments of focal chord.

conic sectionscoordinate systems

I am a 12th student. I found this property in a reference book, without its proof.
So i tried to prove this myself but got stuck. Here's my attempt at the problem:
Basically the question is to prove $$\frac{1}{AC} + \frac{1}{AB} = \frac{2a}{b^2}$$
Where $\mathsf a$ and $\mathsf b$ are semi-major and semi-minor axes, $\mathsf CAB$ is the focal chord, $\mathsf A $ is the focus and $\mathsf AC$ and $\mathsf AB$ are its segments.
I took parametric form for $\mathsf B$ and $\mathsf C$ as:
$$\mathsf B (a\cos\alpha, b\sin\alpha ) \mathsf C (a\cos\beta, b\sin\beta )$$
Where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are eccentric angles of $\mathsf B$ and $\mathsf C$.
I found the length of segments of focal chord as:
$$AB = a(1 -e\cos\alpha )$$ and $$AC = a(1 -e\cos\beta )$$ Where $A$ is $(ae, 0)$ and $e$ is the eccentricity.
After that i tried to apply harmonic mean but wasn't able to simplify the equation.

Best Answer

Let $O$ be a focus of a non-circle conic, let $\overline{OR}$ be a semi-latus rectum, and let $\overline{PQ}$ be a focal chord not containing $R$. Let $O^\prime$, $P^\prime$, $Q^\prime$, $R^\prime$ be the projections of $O$, $P$, $Q$, $R$, respectively, onto the directrix associated with $O$. Note that, by the focus-directrix property of a conic with eccentricity $e\neq 0$, $$|OX|=e\,|XX^\prime| \quad\text{for}\quad X=P, Q, R \tag{1}$$

enter image description here

Defining $p:=|PP'|$, $q:=|QQ'|$, $r:=|RR'|$ (with $p\geq r \geq q$), we have, by obvious similar triangles in the figure,

$$\frac{p-r}{ep} = \frac{r-q}{eq} \qquad\to\qquad r = \frac{2pq}{p+q} = \frac{2}{\dfrac{1}{p}+\dfrac{1}{q}} \tag{$\star$}$$

proving the result. $\square$