[Math] Prove that the ring $(\Bbb Z_n, +_n, \cdot_n)$ is a commutative ring with unity


Prove that the ring $(\Bbb Z_n, +_n, \cdot_n)$ is a commutative ring with unity.

I know how to prove this for a particular integer $n=5, 6 ,7$ etc but I don't know how to prove it for the general case $n$.

How do I draw the composition table for $n$ values?enter image description here

Best Answer

Since you want to avoid thinking about $\mathbb{Z}_n$ as a quotient ring, write $\mathbb{Z}_n=\{[a]\mid a\in\mathbb{Z}\}$, where $$[a]=\{b\in\mathbb{Z}\mid a\equiv b \mbox{ (mod n) }\}$$ is the congruence class of $a$. Then, addition and multiplication are defined by $$[a]+[b]=[a+b]\;\;\mbox{ and }\;\;[a][b]=[ab].$$ We now have enough to prove that $\mathbb{Z}_n$ is a commutative ring (the ring structure being inherited from $\mathbb{Z}$). For example, associativity of addition can be proved as follows: $$ \begin{align} ([a]+[b])+[c]&=[a+b]+[c]\\&=[(a+b)+c]\\&=[a+(b+c)]\\&=[a]+[b+c]\\&=[a]+([b]+[c]). \end{align} $$ All the other axioms can be proved in the same manner.