[Math] prove that the quadrilaterals are congruent


If 2 quadrilaterals ABCD and PQRS have angles A,B,C,D equal to angles P, Q, R, S respectively and AB=PQ and CD=RS and is AD is not parallel to BC prove that the quadrilaterals are congruent.

I was solving an exercise on the congruence of triangles and I came across this question. Proving the triangles formed by the diagonals to be congruent is certainly not enough but that is all I can think of. What is the condition necessary for two quadrilaterals to be congruent?

Best Answer

We will show that all side lengths are equal

Notation : Line segment $xy=[xy]$ Length of $[xy]=|xy|$

Note that $$ \angle DAB +\angle ABC +\angle ADC +\angle BCD =2\pi $$ so that we have three case :

(1) $\angle DAB +\angle ABC =\pi$ : So $AD\parallel BC$ So it is a contradiction

(2) $ \angle DAB +\angle ABC <\pi $ : There is $X$ s.t. $$ D\in [AX],\ C\in [BX]$$

For $PQRS$ we have $Y$ which is corresponded to $X$

Note that $\triangle XCD$ is congruent to $\triangle YRS$ by SAA-condition (side-angle-anlge - condition)

In further $\triangle XAB$ is congruent to $ \triangle YPQ$ by $SAA$ So $$ |AD|=|AX|-|DX|=|PY|-|SY|=|PS| $$

That is we can show that $|BC|=|QR|$

(3) $ \angle DAB +\angle ABC >\pi $ : This case is completely same to case (2) So we complete the proof

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