[Math] Prove that the product of two positive linear operators is positive if and only if they commute.

inner-productslinear algebraoperator-theorypositive definite

Having problem in the following problems on positive forms:

$1)$ Prove that the product of two positive linear operators is positive if and
only if they commute.

I am able to do one direction that if the product of two positive linear operators is positive then they commute. But unable to do the opposite direction.

Let $T,S$ be two positive linear operators and they commute , i.e. $ST = TS$. To show the product of two positive linear operators is positive we have to show that $\langle TS\alpha,\alpha\rangle > 0$ for any $\alpha \neq0$ and $(TS)^* = TS$. I have shown the part $(TS)^* = TS$.

I need help to show that $\langle TS\alpha,\alpha\rangle > 0$ for any $\alpha \neq0$.

$2)$ Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional inner product space and $Ε$ the orthogonal
projection of $V$ onto some subspace.

$(a)$ Prove that, for any positive number $c$, the operator $cI + Ε$ is positive.

$(b)$ Express in terms of $Ε$ a self-adjoint linear operator $Τ$ such that $T^2 = I + E$.

In this I am able to do part $(a)$ but unable to the second part.

Can anyone give me any lead to the problems?

Best Answer

To be clear and correct in the following it is assumed that $\,W$ is positive$\,$ signifies that

  • $W$ is self-adjoint, i. e. $W^*=W$, and
  • $\langle W\alpha|\alpha\rangle > 0$ for all $\alpha \neq0\,$.

Ad $1)\:\:$ If $\,T,S\,$ are positive and they commute, then $\sqrt S\,$ ( = the unique positive square root, being a power series in $S$) also commutes with $T$, that is $T\sqrt S = \sqrt S\,T$. Then $$\langle TS\alpha|\alpha\rangle \:=\: \langle T\sqrt S\,\alpha|\sqrt S\,\alpha\rangle> 0\,$$ for any $\alpha\neq0\,$.

Ad $2b)\:\:$ Decomposing the identity along the subspace $V$ as $\,I=(I-E)+E\,$, you may, thanks to orthogonality, take summand-wise the positive square root: $$\begin{align} T \: & =\: \sqrt{I+E} \;=\;\sqrt{(I-E)+2E}\\[1ex] & =\: (I-E) + \sqrt2\,E \;=\; I + \big(\sqrt 2 -1\big) E \end{align}$$