Set Theory – Prove Power Set of n-Element Set Contains 2^n Elements


Theorem. Let $X$ denote an arbitrary set such that $|X|=n$. Then $|\mathcal P(X)|=2^n$.

Proof. The proof is by induction on the numbers of elements of $X$.

For the base case, suppose $|X|=0$. Clearly, $X=\emptyset$. But the empty set is the only subset of itself, so $|\mathcal P(X)|=1=2^0$.

Now, the induction step. Suppose $|X|=n$; by the induction hypothesis, we know that $|\mathcal P(X)|=2^n$. Let $Y$ be a set with $n+1$ elements, namely $Y=X\cup\{a\}$. There are two kinds of subsets of $Y$: those that include $a$ and those that don't. The first are exactly the subsets of $X$, and there are $2^n$ of them. The latter are sets of the form $Z\cup\{a\}$, where $Z\in\mathcal P(X)$; since there are $2^n$ possible choices for $Z$, there must be exactly $2^n$ subsets of $Y$ of which $a$ is an element. Therefore $|\mathcal P(Y)|=2^n+2^n=2^{n+1}$. $\square$

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From the above explanation, I don't understand why the set that contains $\{a\}$ will contain $2^{|n|}$ elements when it should clearly be $2^{|1|}$.

The construction of a new set $S$ is the union of the old set with cardinality $n$ and a new element $\{a\}$, therefore the set that does not contain $\{a\}$ still has cardinality $n$ and the set that contains $\{a\}$ is just $\{a\}$, one element.

Can someone please elucidate?

Best Answer

Here is an another, combinatorial proof. Let $X$ be a set with $n$ elements. To form a subset of $X$, we go over each element of $X$ and exercise a choice of whether or not to include in the subset. Every sequence of choices gives a different subset.

Since for every element, there are 2 choices, for $n$ elements, there are $2 \times 2 \times ...$ $n$ times, choices.

Therefore, there are $2^n$ distinct subsets of $X$.